April is Birthmonth

April is Birthmonth

It is that time of year again! April is birthmonth and as usual I will be celebrating every day of the month in the countdown to My birthday on the 27th. I’m particularly excited about My birthday this year as it will be the first birthday in two years that I am...
Birthmonth is Here Again

Birthmonth is Here Again

It is the glorious month of April and if you don’t know what that is by now, let Me remind you! It is BIRTHMONTH! That’s right, it is the birthday of the Queen of Mean on April 27th but when you’re a Femdom legend, you don’t just celebrate one day, you celebrate the...
April is Birthmonth – virtual servitude

April is Birthmonth – virtual servitude

APRIL IS BIRTHMONTH So much has changed since My last blog. When I last wrote, I was preparing to close the doors to Chez Bellatrix, but a global pandemic beat Me to it. Here in France, everything escalated so quickly that My head is still spinning as is yours, I’m...